In essence, Chiropractic, is a targeted form of manual therapy (hands on) that focuses on function of the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments and the structure of the body including bones, joints and cartilage.
Chiropractic uses specific techniques to identify and address problem areas, providing relief from a wide range of conditions.
Here are just a few of the many benefits of Chiropractic:
At KT Health & Wellness, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal health and wellbeing through our Chiropractic services.
Our skilled therapists are trained in a variety of techniques and will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
Don’t wait any longer to experience the benefits of Chiropractic for yourself! Book your session today and start feeling better tomorrow.
Chiropractic at KT Health & Wellness are treatments that will elongate your body to have you feeling taller and longer, provide a full body release and will remove dysfunction to allow you to build your strength and endurance to handle the stress you place through your body on a daily basis.
Chiropractors at KT Health & Wellness provide:
A Masters Qualified Therapist that will utilise their expertise and training to help solve your pain and dysfunction
A full body treatment that is a fusion of soft tissue release, manipulation, mobilisation, dry needling, shockwave, stretching while reducing stress and normalising muscle tension.
A variety of techniques in combination with stretches that allow your body to perform at its best
A strong, firm but supportive pressure to release even the deepest sore spots to have you leave feeling taller, lighter and pain free.
There are many variations on how Chiropractic is delivered. Our experienced therapists draw upon relevant clinical research, and are continuing to update their skillset through workshops and external training providers to deliver the latest hands on techniques. Chiropractic at KT provides an evidence-based approach to hands on treatment in the clinical setting.
Chiropractic involves utilising a variety of hands on techniques including effleurage, trigger point therapy, positional release therapy, deep tissue release therapy and cross fibre friction to increase blood flow to the deepest tissues in order to address lumbo-pelvic instability, poor posture whilst providing education, correct movement patterning, and body awareness. Spinal and Joint Manipulation help to align joints and the spine itself to minimise joint pressure and restore joint mobility.